The Nuclear Information Service Annual Report for 2009 (available to download below) gives a summary of the research, education, and campaign work we have carried out over the year. One of last year's highlights was the publication of our study 'A Replacement for Trident: Can We Afford It?' which analysed the costs and affordability of a new nuclear weapons programme an issue which has been hotly contested as part of the General Election campaign.
We also published a review of the emergency plan for the Atomic Weapons Establishment, kept a spotlight firmly focused on troubles at AWE Burghfield, and worked with our partners to question proposals for relaxing safety precautions at operational berths for nuclear powered submarines.
The report gives a full account of the work we undertook over a busy year, and also provides an update on some of the changes that have taken place at NIS since we published our report for 2008. Without the help and encouragement of our many friends and supporters we would not have been able to make such progress, and we are grateful for all your interest and assistance.
As a small organisation working in an area which is rapidly increasing in its political significance, funding is always an issue for NIS, and we are very grateful to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust for supporting the areas of our work which are covered by the Trust's charitable aims.
You can download a copy of the annual report here, and we hope you will find it an inspiration to read all about our work over the last year.