The Ministry of Defence is seeking approval for a FULL Planning Notice for a Replacement Laser research facility (Orion) at AWE Aldermaston, two years after the original NOPD was submitted to West Berks. Council Planning Authority. The last date to submit Objections to this development at the site is 30 th SEPTEMBER 2005.
The Notice not an "application" since the Council, through its Planning Committee, cannot approve or refuse such government plans. The council may raise objections or inform the MoD that the council has objections. The notice is listed as a MAJOR pla seeking Reserved Matters Approval. These comprise siting, design, external appearance, means of access and landscaping. The proposal must be consistent with the outline permission. If the proposal has changed in any way, since Outline plan was agreed, MoD may need to reapply for Outline or Full planning permission.
Proposal: DOE Circular18/84 Replacement Laser research facility (Orion)
Description: Scheme comprises construction of a replacement laser research building of approx 7,700 sqm and of up to 26 metres in height. The building will consist of space for a laser generation plant, target hall, preparation rooms, laser diagnostics, optical coating and photometry, together with ancillary offices, conference room, control room, clean rooms and a visitor/exhibition area. Project will also require enabling work, landscaping and site services.
Applicant: MoD Estates Blandford House Aldershot GU11 2HA Tel: 01252 361922WBC Case Officer: Lisa Smith West Berks Council Market Street Newbury RG14 5DL
Tel: 01635-5191111