Governments meet to pave the way to 2015 NPT Review Conference
The world's governments met in Geneva at the end of April to discuss progress in meeting nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation goals set at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in 2010. Read more.
David Cameron: UK needs Trident to defend against “emerging threats” from Iran and North Korea
Prime Minister David Cameron has claimed that “we need a nuclear deterrent more than ever” because the nuclear threat facing the UK has “increased” since the end of the Cold War, and the country may be at risk from a nuclear attack from regimes such as North Korea. Read more.
Navy's newest submarine breaks down
The Royal Navy's newest nuclear powered submarine, HMS Ambush, has broken down just days after a commissioning ceremony at which it was formally welcomed into the Navy. Read more.
Fire on nuclear submarine HMS Torbay in Devonport Dockyard
A fire has broken out on the hull of the nuclear powered submarine HMS Torbay during maintenance work at Devonport Naval Dockyard. Read more.
UK's disarmament approach 'may be difficult to sustain' beyond 2015
The UK’s current twin-track strategy of retaining and modernising its nuclear weapons while at the same time taking 'multilateral' steps towards nuclear disarmament may prove “difficult to sustain”, according to an international expert on nuclear non-proliferation. Read more.
Privatised nuclear warhead store escapes civil nuclear safety regime
Government safety watchdogs have decided that regulation of Scotland's nuclear bomb store is to remain outside the civil nuclear safety regime, even though operation of the site has been handed over from the Ministry of Defence to a consortium of private companies. Read more.
Corrosion of A45 building at AWE of 'major' significance, reveal FOI papers
Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that the closure last autumn of the A45 uranium components facility at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston was rated as an incident of “major” significance by company staff. Read more.
Spotlight on nuclear factory's failure to publish environmental information
Nuclear Information Service has published a series of undisclosed official reports documenting the safety and environmental performance of the Atomic Weapons Establishment during the year 2012. Read more.