Annual Report 2016

Nuclear Information Service Annual Report 2016 is now published – please view or download the PDF  or if you prefer you may request a hard copy in the post.

We hope you find the report of interest and will be pleased to hear any comments or questions about our activities.  You can stay up to date with our current activities by reading our NIS Updates.  If you are a Facebook or Twitter user you can 'Like' or  'Follow' us for the very latest.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters, volunteers, funders and contributors.  Many thanks again to those of you who already make regular donations – these really help us to plan ahead and finance activities that may not be covered by restricted funds.  Even small donations are a great help!

If you would like to make regular or occasional donations you can find our bank details, Pay Pal  and address details here

We look forward to keeping you updated on the UK nuclear weapons programme.

Best wishes from all at Nuclear Information Service




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