Tag: Software
MSL, ‘News: AWE Aldermaston select Acqiris Digitizers for Hydrodynamics facility.’
March 2002.
John Ainslie, ‘Trident software and independence.’
No date.
US Government, Federal Business Opportunities, Defense Contract Management Agency, ‘D– Fleet ballistic missile submarine software upgrades and development and weapons system training simulator design and upgrade.’
24 March 2005.
Navsea Dahlgren, ‘Software Reliability Modeling at NSWCDD.’
11 February 2001.
Naval Surface Warfare Centre, Dahlgren Division, Mr. E. Augustus Cooper Jr., Mr. A. Lee Philpott Jr., ‘Developing Software for A Distributed, Synchronous, Real-Time System.’
- Ainslie Archive Box 6
- Fire control
- Research
- Software
- Submarines
- Trident
‘Fang-Kuo Sun, CV,’ Targeting software US / UK Trident
‘MSIS R&D EG&G, Strategic Weapons Systems,’ US Stratcom, John Ainslie notes
No date.
Federal Business Opportunities, ‘Daily Issue: H– Develop, Integrate and Test Improved Guidance, Navigation and Control Technologies, Subsystems, and Algorithms for Performance Improvement On Existing Re-Entry Systems for Trident II (D5) Missile.’
15 May 2003.
Federal Business Opportunities Daily Issue: D– Engineering And Technical Support For Intercontinental Ballistic Missile And Sea Launched Ballistic Missile Planning Software Products.’
10 August 2003.
Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, ‘Engineer 1/ 2, K department, Job Vacancy Announcement.’
09 January 2004.
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