In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided AWE’s answer to the MoD request for a list of all discharge consents with the conditions attached and maximum flow of all discharges. The list included atmospheric gaseous discharge, liquid transfer and discharge, trade effluent, sewer, and solid transfer. The schedule involve alpha and beta particles, uranium, plutonium, tritium, Ra226/Th232/Co60, Mercury, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Cyanide,
Tag: Wastes
AWE response to MoD questions regarding waste water discharge
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided AWE’s answer to the MoD question regarding waste water discharge at Aldermaston and Burghfield and Environmental Agency’s condition of consent. AWE is required to submit results of monitoring of at least 16 pollutants but admitted that outlets have not been routinely monitored.
Study into the Arisings and Management of Hazardous Waste and Low Level Radioactive Waste in the South East Region of England
'Study into the Arisings and Management of Hazardous Waste and Low Level Radioactive Waste in the South East Region of England. Supplementary Report – Low Level Radioactive Waste. South East of England Regional Assembly, February 2009.