No date.
Tag: Nevada test site
Deseret Morning News, Lee Davidson, ‘New nuclear threat for Utah? Britain may be creating, testing weapon in West.’
22 March 2006.
Sunday Times, ‘Britain’s Secret Nuclear Blueprint – Article.’
‘Yucca flat shots, Pahute mesa.’
No date.
John Ainslie ‘Estimating yield.’
No date.
US Government, Department of Energy, Pantex Plant, ‘III. Description of The U.S. Dismantlement Process.’
No date.
Nevada Test Site, Device assembly Facility
September 2004
Nevada test site, Characteristics of nuclear tests on Pahute Mesa, 1952-92
No date
US nuclear tests, Nevada Test Site, Miscellaneous files
No date
Monitoring research review, Ground-based nuclear explosion monitoring technologies
UK nuclear tests in US, Nevada tests
No date
Los Alamos National Laboratory, ‘Armando: The final Subcritical Experiment in the Series.’
22 February 2006.
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